Friday, June 16, 2006

Mission accomplished

A search of Google News for "Haditha" on June 15 returned a result of 158 references.


Sgt. Sharon Johnson
Pajamahadeen Reserve Unit


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the job you have done to keep to the facts of the story while revealing the hype.

During a hyped-coverage trial, DA Vincent Bugliosi told Charles Manson that 'Justice is when the truth comes out.'

You have done great work in bringing out the truth.

Thanks again.

Lloyd, Greenfield WI

Sharon said...

I know that there will be small spikes in the coverage of Haditha in the days to come, especially as the media reports on the military investigation into the incident and the follow-up to it. However, the media are handling this very differently from Abu Ghraib. They came with a force on that one which would not be stopped.

Ordinary citizens have figured out how to question the stories we are fed, and - as imporantly - they have figured out how to communicate almost as well as the legacy media organizations.

It's a new day in communications. Everything's going to be OK.

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